Home News Complete Arcane Lineage Boss Guide – How to Beat Them All

Complete Arcane Lineage Boss Guide – How to Beat Them All

Mar 18,2025 Author: Evelyn

From easily soloed encounters for newcomers to epic multi-team challenges, *Arcane Lineage*'s bosses offer diverse and engaging gameplay. Each boss presents unique mechanics demanding strategic thinking and patience for a successful defeat. Conquering these formidable foes yields some of the game's most coveted loot and items. This guide prepares you for the ultimate test of skill.

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Table of Contents

Arcane Lineage Boss List

**King Slime**Around the CityEasy
**Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon**Inside Mount ThulNormal
**Thorian, the Rotten**Deep in the Cess GroundsHard
**Mettrom’s Vessel**Deeproot CanopyVery Hard
**Seraphon**Unlocked by ranking up in the Church of RaphionHard
**Arkhaia**Unlocked by ranking up in the Cult of ThanasiusVery Hard

King Slime

While considered a mini-boss due to its relatively low threat level, the King Slime still presents a challenge for low-level players. Note that soul points cannot be obtained from this boss.

King Slime Location

The King Slime spawns after 100 Slimes are killed on the server. It appears near the city closest to the last slain slime's location. A notice on the Quest Board announces the King Slime quest, which has two steps: Find the King Slime and Kill the King Slime. This quest has a 30-minute global server cooldown.

King Slime Fighting Strategy

This boss spawns with 400 HP (600 HP if Corrupted), the lowest of any boss in *Arcane Lineage*. Its main attack is summoning additional Slimes, which can overwhelm players over time. It also utilizes AOE poison attacks. Bring potions and cleansing abilities. Its low health allows for a straightforward fight; focus on eliminating the summoned Slimes before attacking the King Slime directly. Its AOE attacks only inflict Poison, not direct damage.

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Slime Creation**1Summons a Slime to fight for King Slime.
**Crush**0King Slime lunges forward, attacking a party member.
**Poison Eruption**2King Slime throws out a burst of Acid, poisoning your party. This attack cannot be dodged or blocked.
**Scalding Spray**3King Slime erupts with boiling hot liquid, poisoning your party. This attack cannot be dodged.

King Slime Drops and Rewards

Possible drops from defeating the King Slime include: Random Tier 1 Equipment, Slime Buckler, Gelat Ring. Quest Board rewards include: Ferrus Skin, Potion, Small Health Potion, Essence, Gold.

Yar’thul, the Blazing Dragon

This fire-type boss utilizes fire and inferno-based attacks. Most attacks inflict Inferno and Burning, making preparation crucial. It resists fire and physical damage but is weak to Hex damage.

Yar’thul Location

Yar’thul resides deep within the desert's Mount Thul, an active volcano. Navigate the volcano's interior to find the Blazing Dragon.

Yar’thul Fighting Strategy

Yar’thul boasts 1200 HP (1800 HP if Corrupted) and high damage output. Many attacks inflict Inferno and Burning. The fight is a race against time. Below 50% health, it enters a second phase, summoning meteors that stun and apply healing reduction. The Dragon Ring and Pristine-level accessories greatly aid in this battle. The Corrupted version gains lifesteal.

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Inferno**0Automatically inflicted at battle start, applying the Inferno status effect. Undodgeable.
**Fire Claw**0Yar’thul slashes with fire-imbued claws, dealing light damage.
**Magma Pillar**2Creates a magma pillar, damaging and inflicting Inferno and Burn stacks on attackers. Lasts 3 turns.
**Blaze Core**3Consuming party's Inferno stacks to heal.
**Blaze Eruption**2Damages burning targets and applies Inferno and Burning stacks.
**Magma Beam**4Charges a devastating beam of fire for 1 turn, then fires for massive damage, also hitting adjacent units. Undodgeable.
**Hellfire**1Sends a wave of fire, lightly damaging the party and applying Burning stacks. Undodgeable.
**Armageddon**6Below 50% Health, summons a meteor for massive damage, applying healing reduction and a chance to stun. Undodgeable.

Yar’thul Drops and Rewards

Guaranteed rewards include: Absolute Radiance, Permafrost Curse, Wild Impulse, Heavenly Prayer, Breath of Fungyir, Narhana’s Sigil, Reality Watch, Shifting Hourglass, Ring of the Dragon, The Void Key (Corrupted Yar’thul). Possible drops include: Dragontooth Blade, Dragonbone Gauntlets, Dragonbone Spear, Dragonflame Shield, Memory Fragment, Soul Dust, Phoenix Tear, Resplendant Essence, Lineage Shard, Skyward Totem.

Thorian, the Rotten

Once an animal in the Deeproot Canopy, Thorian is now a corrupted abomination resistant to most elements but heavily weak to Holy damage.

Thorian Location

Thorian is found in the Deeproot Canopy within the Cess Grounds. Head right upon entering the Cess Grounds to locate it.

Thorian Fighting Strategy

Thorian has 2600 HP (3900 HP if Corrupted). A key mechanic involves its passive negation: attacking twice with the same attack type heals it by 150% of the damage dealt. Vary attack types. It resists most damage except Holy (135% damage) and slightly weak to fire. Below 50% health, it unleashes a devastating attack inflicting Plague, Curse, and Hexed (15-turn cooldown).

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Cursed Wave**2Attacks 3 party members, dealing damage and inflicting Curse.
**Overflowing Curse**0Initiates a minigame; failure inflicts Plague. Undodgeable.
**Cess Breath**1AOE damage and debuffs.
**Warped Crush**1Damages 3 party members.
**Blasphemous Obliteration**5Below 50% Health, devastating AOE attack inflicting Plague, Curse, and Hexed. Undodgeable.
**Hexed Burst**1Small AOE, chance to apply random debuffs.
**Plague Rupture**2Applies a random debuff to a party member, then deals massive damage scaling with debuff count.

Thorian Drops and Rewards

Guaranteed rewards include: Absolute Radiance, Permafrost Curse, Wild Impulse, heavenly Prayer, Breath of Fungyir, Stellian Core, Metrom’s Amulet, Darksigil, Ring of Blight, The Void Key (Corrupted Thorian). Possible drops include: Blightrock Dagger, Blightwood Staff, Memory Fragment, Soul Dust, Phoenix Tear, Resplendant Essence, Lineage Shard, Skyward totem.

Metrom’s Vessel

Once a hero, Metrom's Vessel is now a weakened being sealed within a Temporal Jail.

Metrom’s Vessel Location

Metrom’s Vessel is a Raid Boss spawning on a global timer. A Void Key (obtained from defeating corrupted bosses) is required to participate. A server-wide notification announces its spawn location.

Metrom’s Vessel Fighting Strategy

Metrom’s Vessel has 10,000 HP (15,000 HP if Corrupted) and high damage negation. The fight can last 30-60 minutes. It has two phases with distinct mechanics. Phase 1 features wings granting damage negation; destroying them increases damage output. It also summons Shadeblades. Phase 2 begins when the Temporal Jail shatters; wings gain offensive and defensive modes. A Mini Shadebringer is summoned for each failed dodge. Team coordination and consistent debuff application are key.

Phase 1 Attacks

AttacksEnergy CostEffect
**Rendering Slash**0Damages and applies Weakness stacks.
**Deathbound**1Applies Sundered stacks to 2 random players.
**Eclipse**1Applies a self-buff.
**Invoke Shadeblades**3Summons two Shadeblades (200 HP each). Undodgeable.
**Hexed Rend**3AOE slash, debuffs all players. Undodgeable.
**Oblivion**5Deals 50% of everyone's HP and inflicts Curse. Undodgeable.

Phase 2 Attacks




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