Home News Xbox Apologizes to Enotria Devs, Release Date Uncertain

Xbox Apologizes to Enotria Devs, Release Date Uncertain

Nov 15,2024 Author: Mila

Xbox's Apology to Enotria Changes Devs' Tune, But Release Date Still Unset

Microsoft has reportedly issued an apology to Jyamma Games following issues with the Xbox launch of the developer's debut title, Enotria: The Last Song.

Enotria Xbox Release Date Still Indefinite, Microsoft Reportedly ApologizesJyamma Games Thanks Phil Spencer and Player Community

Microsoft issued an apology to Jyamma Games following delays in the Xbox certification process for their debut title, Enotria: The Last Song. The gaming giant reached out to the developer after reports surfaced of Microsoft ignoring Jyamma Games' submission of the title to the Xbox platform for over two months. This delay had prompted the developer to announce earlier in the week the indefinite postponement of the game's Xbox release.

Previously on the game's official Discord channel, in what seemed to be a heat-of-the-moment expression of disgruntlement, Jyamma CEO Jacky Greco wrote: "You can ask Xbox why they haven't answered us for two months," and adding, "Obviously they don't care about Enotria and they don't care about you... We've Xbox Series X/S version ready, but we can't proceed with submission and release, I spent a lot of money for porting and they decided to ignore us."

But everything changed when the Xbox nation apologized. On Twitter (X), Jyamma Games expressed gratitude to Microsoft, thanking Phil Spencer and his team, in particular, for their response. "We would like to officially thank Phil Spencer and his team for reaching out to us so promptly and helping to resolve our situation," the studio stated. They also extended appreciation to their community, acknowledging the player community's vocal support: "Your voice has been heard very loud and clear, and your commitment has been heartwarming."

"We are now working closely with Microsoft," Jyamma Games confirmed, "and we hope this collaboration will lead to the game's release for Xbox as soon as possible."

Xbox's Apology to Enotria Changes Devs' Tune, But Release Date Still Unset

The developer further detailed the exchange on Enotria’s Discord server, where Greco shared that Microsoft had finally responded and apologized for the oversight. "They contacted us and said sorry about the situation, we're trying to solve everything as soon as possible," Greco said in the chat.

Jyamma Games isn't the only studio facing difficulties with Xbox releases recently. Earler this week, Funcom Chief Product Officer Scott Junior revealed to VG247 that it has encountered optimization issues while porting Dune: Awakening to the Xbox Series S. The PS5 and PC launches of Enotria: The Last Song are still scheduled for September 19. However, it remains unclear if the game's Xbox launch will push through during Entoria's announced release date. If you're keen on learning more about Enotria: The Last Song, check out our article at the link below!




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