World of Warcraft is making some new changes to the map, questlog, spellbook, transmog interface, and character selection screen in The War Within. With new filters, search bars, and legends added to these features, World of Warcraft players will be able to navigate the UI more easily than ever before.
Starting in Dragonflight, World of Warcraft introduced massive improvements to the game’s dated user interface. Geared towards evergreen improvements to the core systems of World of Warcraft, these upgrades gave the 20-year-old game a much-needed facelift, with a complete overhaul to nearly every element of the UI.
This trend of interface improvements is showing no signs of stopping in The War Within. A slew of new improvements to the UI recently appeared in the beta for World of Warcraft: The War Within, including advanced filters for the map and transmog pane, a legend for the map, and search boxes for the spellbook, questlog, and character select screen. These quality-of-life improvements are expected to go live with The War Within Pre-Patch.
UI Improvements in World of Warcraft: The War Within
Map Map filters Icon legend More tooltip details Questlog Search by quest name or objective Spellbook Search by spell or passive name or description Appearances Tab View items of every weapon and armor type, regardless of proficiency Filter by class Improved tooltips that show if the current class can use transmogs Character Select Screen Search for characters by name, class, location, or profession
On the map, World of Warcraft: The War Within has added tons of new icons to identify different types of content, plus filters to limit which ones appear. The newly added legend clearly identifies what each of these icons represents to make sure fans know how to find the activities they are looking for. Many of these icons also now have more in-depth detail on the map as well, such as available side quests popping up on the tooltips for certain settlements.
The new search boxes will be a huge help for players. The spellbook search bar separates abilities by name and by description, and the questlog can likewise be filtered by name or objective. The new Warbands character select screen in WoW, on the other hand, allows fans to search for characters by name, class, profession, or even current location, letting players quickly and efficiently sort through dozens of toons.
As for the transmog system, the interface now has options to sort by class, and new tooltips easily identify if the current character can use the item's appearance. With the ability to unlock learn transmog appearances on any character, regardless of armor or weapon proficiency, the ability to check any type of item through this menu is a huge boon.
These user interface changes, as well as any others Blizzard might be refining, will likely be added to World of Warcraft during The War Within Pre-Patch. The update doesn’t have a release date yet, but evidence suggests World of Warcraft is planning it for July 23, meaning fans won’t have to wait long to enjoy these improvements.