Home News Starseed: Asnia Trigger Opens Global Pre-Registration On Android

Starseed: Asnia Trigger Opens Global Pre-Registration On Android

Nov 16,2024 Author: Harper

Starseed: Asnia Trigger Opens Global Pre-Registration On Android

Com2uS’ RPG Starseed: Asnia Trigger has finally opened pre-registration on Android for its global audience. If you follow our scoops regularly, you probably remember that the game dropped in Korea earlier this year, in March.What’s In Store?The game lets you step into a virtual world where humanity is on the brink of destruction. You team up with some characters called Proxyans. They’re designed to save humanity from the big bad Redshift, a rogue AI that’s quite destructive.Starseed offers a diverse character collection and growth systems. You get to play with lifelike Proxyans and plenty of stages and combat modes to dive into. There are different modes, like Arena and Boss Raid where you can unleash dual Ultimate Skills. The character combinations you can pull off are endless, too.Starseed: Asnia Trigger is actually doing quite well in Korea, so the global audience is eager to sign up for the pre-registration. And hopefully, the game won’t disappoint us. The official site has some trailers lined up that let you catch a glimpse of the vibrant skills and moves these Proxyans have. Here’s one of them!

One of the coolest features of the game is the Instarseed. It’s like the in-game social media where you can actually follow your Proxyans. You can keep up with their day-to-day through videos and selfies and even send them gifts.
Starseed: Asnia Trigger Global Is Now Open For Pre-Registration, Will You Get It?If you pre-register now, Com2uS has a bunch of rewards up for grabs. You get bonuses like Starbits and SSR Proxyan/Plugin Select Tickets. Head to their official website for a chance to snag some cool gear like an iPad Pro or a Starseed Extended Mouse Pad.
So, go ahead and pre-register Starseed on the Google Play Store. And before leaving, take a look at our other scoop on Old School RuneScape, Which Is Bringing Back Araxxor, The Venomous Villain!




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Author: HarperReading:0