A recent Pokemon GO update has introduced a frustrating glitch: players are finding their avatar's skin and hair colors have inexplicably changed. This latest issue adds to the already considerable player dissatisfaction with recent avatar modifications.
Niantic's April 17th update, intended to "modernize" avatars, was met with widespread negative feedback. Many players felt the visual quality had significantly decreased.
Now, a new update has compounded the problem. Numerous players have logged in to find their characters sporting entirely different skin and hair tones, leading some to suspect account hacking. One player's shared images dramatically illustrate this – a character shifting from light skin and white hair to dark skin and brown hair, appearing as a completely different person. While a fix is anticipated, Niantic has yet to officially address the issue.
New Pokemon Go Update Alters Avatar Skin and Hair Color
This latest glitch continues the ongoing controversy sparked by the April avatar changes. Rumors of a rushed implementation quickly circulated, with players questioning the inferior appearance of the updated models compared to older versions.
Niantic further fueled the fire with accusations of misleading marketing. Promotional materials continued to use the older, better-received avatar models to advertise paid clothing items, a move interpreted by some as an admission of the new avatars' shortcomings.
The backlash resulted in a wave of negative reviews on app stores, with many players giving the game one-star ratings. Despite this, Pokemon GO currently maintains a 3.9/5 rating on the App Store and 4.2/5 on Google Play, demonstrating a surprising resilience to the negative publicity.