Home News Hands On: REDMAGIC DAO 150W GaN Charger and VC Cooler 5 Pro

Hands On: REDMAGIC DAO 150W GaN Charger and VC Cooler 5 Pro

Nov 13,2024 Author: Nova

The REDMAGIC DAO 150W GaN Charger is, initially, a slightly overwhelming beast of an accessory. A hefty box which claums to help charge all your gaming devices, we’re very happy to say it more than lives up to that promise…and then some.Boasting a transparent design with nifty coloured lighting, this is a large charger but certainly not one you’ll be ashamed of bringing with you out and about. It’s look is eye-catching yet not tacky, and suits its target audience of gamers to a tee. Quite simply: it’s just cool looking.With DC, USB-C, and USB-A ports you’re covered whatever you’re looking to charge as well, and there’s even an LCD display to show you what’s happening with each one. This is a high-end charging device, and this display is just one of the many ways it elevates itself above more basic budget competitors.fenyeAnother is the accompanying REDMAGIC Goper app, which allows you to tweak the LCD display and also the aforementioned coloured lights. There’s also the slightly more useful function of it telling you how much power each port is giving to each of your connected devices. 

Another unique selling point is the detachable adapter, which allows you to use the DAO 150W GaN as a desktop charger quickly and easily. So it’s simple to use at home, and on the go.

In terms of performance we were also impressed. For our smartphone via the USB-C port we managed to charge up the battery by about 30% in 15 minutes, which is not too shabby. The device itself never overheated too, even if multiple ports were being used.

Ultimately we were won over by the REDMAGIC DAO 150W GaN Charger despite the premium price. It offers a lot for mobile gamers on the go, providing a stylish yet still highly practical solution to any charging issues you might encounter playing titles for extended time periods. 

You can find the DAO 150W GaN Charger on the official REDMAGIC site here.

We were also lucky enough to get our hands on the REDMAGIC VC Cooler 5 Pro, which offers liquid cooling technology for your smartphone.

If that sounds complicated, don’t worry – it isn’t. This is basically a small box that fits onto your phone magnetically and helps it from overheating.

Now when it comes to many Android phones in particular they can heat up pretty terribly, so this is likely a pretty useful device to most people reading this (we imagine). It claims to cool down a smartphone by 35 degrees, and much to our surprise we actually found this to be the case.

After an intensive online gaming session with all the settings set to maximum on our premium Android phone, this device did the trick of turning our sizzling potato into something we could bear to hold for more than a few seconds.

Considering it’s slightly bulky an idea as an accessory – a box attached to your phone is never ideal – this does its job well. It’s aesthetically pleasing too, with a transparent design and vibrant lighting meaning it’ll actually make your smartphone look sleeker – not dumber. No mean feat.

If you’re someone who finds their phone heating up often then this is an accessory well worth considering, especially at its affordable price point. You can find it on the REDMAGIC site here.




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