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Google-Friendly News: Game Censorship Concerns Raised by 'Resident Evil' Director


As Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered nears its October release, criticism targeting Japan's CERO age rating board intensifies, as the franchise's creators express their dismay over the remastered's censorship in the country.Suda51 and Shinji Mikami Condemn Shadows Of The Damned'

Author: malfoyDec 03,2021



Cradle Of The Gods Is A New Comic Series That Takes Sea of Conquest: Pirate War To The Next Level!


FunPlus has just dropped the first issue of Sea of Conquest: Cradle of the Gods, a new comic series set in the world of their hit strategy game Sea of Conquest: Pirate War. It’s part of their ambitious push to expand its games into other forms of entertainment.You’ll Now Get To Read Sea Of Conquest:

Author: malfoyNov 29,2021



Torchlight's Massive Update Unveils New Haven, Torments, and Delights


Torchlight Infinite's biggest ever update, so they say, is hereIt features a new trait for Divineshot Carino, turning this hero into a gatling gun-wielding destroyerThere's now Legendary Gear Crafting, new foes to hunt down and so much more!With summer here, it's a time for major game updates. But T

Author: malfoyNov 27,2021