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作者: Hazel阅读:0
Girls Frontline 2: Exilium, the sequel to the hit mobile shooter, now has a release date
After a successful beta, the developers have revealed that it'll be releasing on December 3rd
You'll be able to enjoy a new storyline, set ten years after the original alongside enhanced graphics
Girls Frontline is one of those franchises that stands out by the sheer absurdity of the concept, as cutesily dressed, heavily armed ladies run and gun their way through a variety of urban environments. It's now an anime and manga, but before all that, it was a mobile shooter. And its sequel, Girls Frontline 2: Exilium, now has a release date after a successful beta!
没错,12 月 3 日,恰逢圣诞节,当《少女前线 2》登陆 iOS App Store 和 Google Play 时,您就可以入手了。 11 月 10 日至 21 日进行的 Beta 测试,尽管是仅限邀请的玩家,但仍吸引了超过 5000 名玩家,这似乎证明了该系列的受欢迎程度和对续集的期待。
设定十年继原作之后,在《少女前线 2:Exilium》中,您将再次扮演指挥官的角色,领导一支 T 人形军队 - 每个人都装备有自己的签名的机器人战士他们往往以现实生活中的武器命名。 Exilium 拥有增强的图形和游戏玩法,以及您玩过原版时所期望的一切。
射击杀死虽然人们总是很想思考一部以女孩挥舞致命武器为主题的系列剧的受欢迎程度,但我认为这是安全的据说它对武器爱好者、射击游戏迷以及那些只是收集 waifus 的人很有吸引力。 不仅如此,还有大量的戏剧性和真正引人入胜的视觉设计,因此《少女前线 2》非常值得期待。
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