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Jujutsu Odyssey Tier列表揭幕了2025年!

Feb 26,2025 作者: Peyton

Jujutsu Odyssey Tier列表揭幕了2025年!

Jujutsu Odyssey中掌握被詛咒的技術:綜合指南

  • Jujutsu Odyssey *中的被詛咒技術是改變遊戲規則的能力,會對戰略產生重大影響。這些技術為玩家提供獨特的技能,增強力量並提供適合各種遊戲風格的戰術優勢。主導戰鬥取決於掌握這些強大的能力。


-Jujutsu Odyssey詛咒技術級別列表

  • S層詛咒技術
  • A-tier詛咒技術 -B層詛咒技術 -C層詛咒技術

Jujutsu Odyssey詛咒技術級別列表

TierCursed Technique
**S****Shrine (Sukuna Vessel), Limitless, Disaster Flame**
**A****Boogie Woogie**
**B****Cursed Speech**
**C****Soul Guitar, Cloning**

神社無限Jujutsu Odyssey中最有效的能力,在權力和多功能性方麵表現出色。 災難火焰由於其巨大的破壞性能力,也很高。

如果這些頂級技術不可用, boogie woogie 被詛咒的演講提供了強大的替代起點。以下是每種技術的詳細分解:


Cursed TechniqueAbility
**Shrine (Sukuna Vessel)**• **Dismantle:** Devastating slashes. • **Reaper’s Retreat:** Swift backward dash followed by a powerful forward slash. • **Demon’s Wrath:** Grabs, slams, and hurls the opponent. • **Cleave:** Jumping attack with a wide-reaching slash, hitting multiple targets. • **Crimson Web:** Ground-based slash web that ensnares enemies. • **Ascendant Slash 1:** Sends opponents flying upward. • **Abyssal Firebolt:** Cursed energy-infused fiery arrow. • **AWAKENING: Enchain:** Massive power boost, damage reduction, and enhanced basic attacks. • **Domain Expansion: Malevolent Shrine:** Barrierless domain with devastating, wide-area slashes.
**Limitless**• **Lapse Blue:** Magnetic force pulling objects and targets towards a central point. • **Infinity:** Impenetrable barrier halting approaching objects at an infinite distance. • **Maximum Output: Blue:** Amplified pulling force, causing a destructive implosion. • **Reversal Red:** Repelling force pushing everything away. • **Maximum Output: Red:** Intensified repelling shockwave with immense destructive power. • **I Understand It Now:** Teleports behind the target and unleashes Reversal Red. • **Imaginary Technique: Purple:** Fusion of Blue and Red, creating a destructive projectile. • **Hollow Purple:** Massive energy sphere annihilating everything in its path. • **Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void:** Boundless space immobilizing targets with overwhelming stimuli.
**Disaster Flame** • **Volcanic Eruption:** Volcanic eruption blasting enemies upward. • **Hellfire Beam:** Concentrated beam of molten fire. • **Molten Rainfall:** Leaping attack creating a molten lava pool. • **Infernal Grasp:** Massive fiery hand from the ground causing a powerful explosion. • **Blazing Skull Eruption:** Engulfs the victim's head in flames before a fiery explosion. • **Domain Expansion: Coffin of the Iron Mountain:** Molten volcanic landscape with unavoidable fire attacks. • **Hellfire Incarnate – \[Awakening\]:** Engulfed in flames, inflicting burn damage on attackers and boosting cursed energy.


Cursed TechniqueAbility
**Boogie Woogie**• **Clap:** Instantly swaps positions with allies or enemies. • **Upgrade – Clap II:** Increased range. • **Teleporting Stone Strike:** Hurls a rock, teleporting to the impact point for a powerful attack. • **Boogie Mark:** Marks allies or enemies for position swapping upon clapping. • **Upgrade – Boogie Mark II:** Marks two targets simultaneously. • **Deceptive Suplex:** Feint a clap, teleporting to the attacker upon being struck. • **Echoing Onslaught:** Teleporting flurry of devastating blows. • **Schizophrenic Overload – \[Awakening\]:** Summons Takada for a boost in cursed energy and range.


Cursed TechniqueAbility
**Cursed Speech**• **Don’t Move:** Freezes enemies. • **Get Crushed:** Crushes the victim. • **Cough Syrup:** Protects from Cursed Speech damage. • **Explode:** Makes enemies explode in flames. • **Blast Away:** Sends opponents flying. • **Passive – Resistance:** Immunity to Cursed Speech self-damage.


Cursed TechniqueAbility
**Soul Guitar**• **Resonant Shred:** Powerful guitar strum shockwave. • **Power Riff:** Builds energy for a devastating Resonant Shred.
**Cloning** • **Technique: Clone:** Creates a fighting clone. • **Passive – Clone II:** Two active clones simultaneously. • **Blaze of Glory:** Clones self-destruct in a powerful explosion.

有關被詛咒技術的更多信息,請探索 Jujutsu Odyssey Trello和Discord社區。該層列表旨在幫助您快速增強遊戲玩法。有關其他資源,包括重新卷和其他好處,請谘詢我們的 Jujutsu Odyssey 代碼文章。




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作者: Peyton閱讀:0



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作者: Peyton閱讀:0




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作者: Peyton閱讀:0