Дом Новости Stardew Forage: представлено подробное руководство по локациям

Stardew Forage: представлено подробное руководство по локациям

Jan 19,2025 Автор: Patrick
This article is part of a directory: Stardew Valley: A Complete Guide and WalkthroughTable of contents

Stardew Valley is all about appreciating nature and living off the land, so it comes as no surprise that foraging is one of the game's central mechanics. In every season, the valley offers a different selection of mushrooms, fruits, and other items that the player can gather for use in recipes or crafting artisan goods.

Some of these items, though, can be a bit tricky to track down, especially in large quantities. The tables below provide a guide to all the game's forage items by season, and in which areas they can be found. Locations are listed by the likelihood of finding the specific item there, from the highest chance to the lowest chance of that item spawning.

Stardew Valley: What Is The Crop Fairy?

Stardew Valley isn't all about farming. It also has a bit of magic to it, in the form of a Crop Fairy that can visit the player's farm.

Updated December 20, 2024, by Demaris Oxman: The 1.6 update for Stardew Valley is finally available on all platforms, after months of only being accessible on PC. Now, all farmers can explore everything this new version of the game has to offer. For players who love foraging, there are a few changes to be aware of as they head out to explore. Many forage items are now more versatile, as players can make them into Juice or Pickles with Kegs or Preserves Jars, respectively. New items like the Mushroom Log and events like the Green Rain offer new methods for players to stock up on certain items. With that in mind, this guide has been updated to keep players on top of all the knowledge they need to gather and use mushrooms, flowers, berries, and more.


Stardew Valley contain items that can be foraged year-round, either due to their environment (e.g., the Beach), or a static climate (e.g., Calico Desert). Such items and their locations are listed below:




Cactus Fruit

Calico Desert

Can be placed in Kegs, Preserves Jars, and DehydratorUsed to craft warp totem/obelisk for Calico DesertBundles: Exotic Foraging, Dyes (remixed)


Calico Desert, or shaken from trees on Ginger Island

Can be placed in Kegs, Preserves Jars, and DehydratorUsed to craft warp totem/obelisk for Calico DesertExotic Foraging Bundle


Ginger Island; look for small green fronds in the sand and dig them up with the hoe.

CookingCan be placed in Kegs and Preserves JarsMay be requested for a Special Order

Fiddlehead Fern

Ginger Island jungle

CookingCan be placed in Kegs and Preserves Jars

Magma Cap

The Volcano Dungeon on Ginger Island

Excellent source of health and energyCan be placed in Preserves Jars and Dehydrator

Cave Carrot

The Mines, usually found by digging ground with the hoe or blowing it up with a bomb

Can be placed in Kegs and Preserves Jars


Grows on trees in all seasons except Winter, and can be collected with any tool, weapon, or bomb. Moss becomes much more plentiful during the Green Rain event in Summer, which also spawns weeds that can drop Moss.

Many crafting uses

Common Mushroom

Can grow in the Mushroom Cave or on the Mushroom Log

Can be placed in Preserves Jars, and DehydratorVarious Community Center bundles

Red Mushroom
Purple Mushroom

The Mines, floors 80 Can grow in the Mushroom Cave or on the Mushroom LogTapping a Mushroom Tree

Purple Mushroom: Can be placed in Preserves Jars and DehydratorBoth are options for various Community Center bundles


All have an equal chance to be found on the Beach

Cooking, some crafting recipesCrab Pot Bundle (except Seaweed)

Sea Urchin

The right side of the Beach, past the broken bridge

Crafting recipes


important in Year 1, as many players rely on it for income during the first few in-game weeks. Even in later years, though, these items can help boost profits and allow the player to cook certain recipes.





Pelican Town, Railroad, Bus Stop

Spring Foraging Bundle


Cindersap Forest, Bus Stop, Railroad, Forest Farm

Spring Foraging Bundle


Backwoods (north of the farm, west of the Mountain), Mountain, Forest Farm, Bus Stop, Railroad

CookingSpring Foraging Bundle

Wild Horseradish

Secret Woods, Cindersap Forest, Backwoods, Mountain, Forest Farm

Spring Foraging Bundle

Common Mushroom

Secret Woods

Can be placed in Preserves Jars and Dehydrator


Secret Woods, Forest Farm

Can be placed in Preserves Jars and Dehydrator


Can be shaken from bushes, Spring 15-18 only. The number of berries received corresponds to the player's Foraging skill.

Can be placed in Kegs, Preserves Jars, and DehydratorChildren's Bundle (remixed)

Spring Onion

Cindersap Forest, in the patches of tillable ground in the southeast portion of the area.

Can be placed in Kegs and Preserves JarsSpring Foraging Bundle (remixed)





Sweet Pea

Pelican Town, Cindersap Forest, Bus Stop, Railroad, Forest Farm

Summer Foraging bundle

Spice Berry

Cindersap Forest, Backwoods, Mountain, Bus Stop, Railroad, Forest Farm

Can be placed in Kegs, Preserves Jars, and Dehydrator​​​​​​​Summer Foraging Bundle


Backwoods, Mountain, Bus Stop, Railroad, Forest Farm

Can be placed in Kegs, Preserves Jars, and Dehydrator​​​​​​​Summer Foraging bundle

Red Mushroom

Secret Woods

Various bundlesLife Elixir crafting recipe

Fiddlehead Fern

Secret WoodsChopping down a Green Rain Tree type 3 (the one that looks like a giant, curled fiddlhead) yields up to 6. Placing a Tapper on one of these trees will also yield Fiddlehead Ferns.

Can be placed in Kegs and Preserves Jars

Common Mushroom

Forest Farm

Can be placed in Preserves Jars and Dehydrator

Rainbow Shell

The Beach


handy cooking recipes, including Blackberry Cobbler, Plum Pudding, Roasted Hazelnuts, and more.

Stardew Valley: A Complete Guide To Slingshots

The Slingshot and Master Slingshot are the only projectile weapons in Stardew Valley, but mastering them can be tricky for new players.




Common Mushroom

Cindersap Forest, Secret Woods, Forest Farm, Mountain, Backwoods

Can be placed in Preserves Jars and DehydratorFall Forage Bundle

Wild Plum

Bus Stop, Railroad, Backwoods, Mountain

Can be placed in Kegs, Preserves Jars, and DehydratorFall Forage Bundle


Pelican Town, Cindersap Forest, RailroadCan be shaken from bushes between Fall 8-11 only; the number of berries received from this method corresponds to the player's Foraging skill.

Can be placed in Kegs, Preserves Jars, and DehydratorFall Forage Bundle


Backwoods, Mountain, Bus Stop, RailroadOn or after Fall 14, shaking Maple Trees provides a small chance of receiving one.

CookingFall Forage bundleCan be placed in Kegs and Preserves Jars


Secret Woods, Forest Farm

Can be placed in Preserves Jars and Dehydrator

Red Mushroom

Forest Farm, Secret Woods

Various bundlesLife Elixir crafting recipe

Purple Mushroom

Forest Farm

Excellent source of health and energyCan be placed in Preserves Jars and DehydratorVarious bundlesLife Elixir crafting recipe


quite lucrative during this time. What's more, players can use their forage to craft Wild Seeds, and use each successive harvest to craft more and more seeds before shipping the products at the end of the season.




Crystal Fruit

Railroad, Cindersap Forest, Mountain, Bus Stop, Backwoods, Pelican Town

Can be placed in Kegs, Preserves Jars, and DehydratorWinter Forage bundle


Pelican Town, Railroad, Bus Stop, Mountain, Cindersap Forest, Backwoods

Winter Forage bundle

Winter Root

Tilling soil throughout the areas in Stardew Valley, with a higher chance to be found in Artifact Spots.

Can be placed in Kegs and Preserves JarsWinter Forage bundle

Snow Yam

Tilling soil throughout the areas in Stardew Valley, with a higher chance to be found in Artifact Spots.

Can be placed in Kegs and Preserves JarsWinter Forage bundle


Secret Woods, Backwoods, Pelican Town, Bus Stop, Cindersap Forest, Mountain

Various remixed bundles

Nautilus Shell

The Beach

Field Research bundle

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