Takaya Imamura, the creator of the beloved Zelda character Tingle, has revealed his top choice to portray the eccentric balloon salesman in the upcoming live-action film adaptation! He envisions Masi Oka, famed for his role as Hiro Nakamura in the TV series Heroes, embodying Tingle's unique energy.
Imamura's Ideal Tingle: Masi Oka
Speculation surrounding the Legend of Zelda movie is rife. Who will wield the Master Sword? What will Zelda's attire be? But perhaps the most intriguing question revolves around Tingle. Will he appear? And if so, who could possibly capture his essence? Imamura's answer is clear: Masi Oka.
In a recent interview with VGC, Imamura stated his preference for Oka, highlighting the actor's memorable "yatta!" exclamation from Heroes, which he feels aligns perfectly with Tingle's signature exuberance. Oka's diverse filmography, encompassing projects like Bullet Train and Hawaii Five-O, demonstrates a versatility that Imamura believes suits Tingle's quirky personality.
The question remains whether director Wes Ball will heed Imamura's suggestion. Ball previously described the film as a "live-action Miyazaki" production, suggesting a potential stylistic match for Tingle's whimsical nature.
While the inclusion of Tingle isn't confirmed, the possibility remains. The live-action Zelda movie, announced in November 2023, is being directed by Wes Ball and produced by Shigeru Miyamoto and Avi Arad. Ball's commitment to delivering a "serious" yet satisfying adaptation fuels hope for a memorable portrayal of even the most eccentric characters.
For further updates on the Legend of Zelda live-action movie, be sure to check out our related articles.