Reviver: Butterfly, the charming narrative game, finally flutters onto iOS and Android! Initially slated for a winter 2024 release, it's arriving slightly later than expected, but the wait is almost over. Launching January 17th, this delightful title lets you subtly guide the destinies of two lovers.
For those who missed our October preview, Reviver (now Reviver: Butterfly on mobile, and Reviver: Premium on other platforms) casts you as a gentle force of nature, influencing the lives of these star-crossed individuals without ever directly interacting with them. You'll witness their journey from youth to old age, a heartwarming tale unfolding before your eyes.
The game's unique title might be a bit of a hurdle in the crowded mobile app market, causing a slight delay in its initial announcement. However, the good news is, it's finally here! The iOS app store listing reveals a free prologue, allowing potential players to sample the charming gameplay before committing. Even better, mobile users get early access, beating the Steam release! Prepare to experience the heartwarming story of Reviver: Butterfly.