Home News Stardew Valley Player Gets 10 Million Coins Without Leaving the Farm

Stardew Valley Player Gets 10 Million Coins Without Leaving the Farm

Nov 17,2024 Author: Layla

Stardew Valley Player Gets 10 Million Coins Without Leaving the Farm

There have been many unorthodox playthroughs of Stardew Valley, but one player somehow managed to earn over ten million gold without ever leaving the farm. Though Stardew Valley is known for its charming NPCs of Pelican Town, the core gameplay revolves around plating seeds, tending to crops for a certain amount of time, and reaping the rewards. Usually, seeds are purchased from Pierre's General Store, but there are other ways of obtaining them in the early game that don't require the player to venture out into Pelican Town.

Namely, each season in Stardew Valley provides its own variant of Mixed Seeds – or more accurately, each season gives a different result after a player plants Mixed Seeds. They can be obtained by tilling dirt or sand, as well as from harvesting weeds with a tool. The reason why Mixed Seeds are important is that they are essentially the driving force of how this playthrough was achieved.

It was shared by Ok-Aspect-9070 on the main Stardew Valley subreddit, with a screenshot of the player's earnings, as well as the basic tools that are given at the start of the game. The playthrough is technically possible on most Stardew Valley farms, but the Four Corners map was specifically chosen for two specific reasons: Mixed Seeds are easier to obtain, and the map has a mining area in the bottom right.

Crops That Can Grow from Mixed Seeds in Stardew Valley
Season Crops Spring Cauliflower, Parsnip, Potato Summer Corn, Pepper, Radish, Wheat Fall Artichoke, Corn, Eggplant, Pumpkin Winter Any (Greenhouse and Garden Pot only) Island Blueberry, Melon, Pineapple, Rhubarb

Cauliflowers are a major source of income during a player's first spring, but the actual process of relying on Mixed Seeds to make money only speeds up after crafting a Seed Maker in Stardew Valley. However, the Seed Maker not only requires a Farming level of 9, it also requires a single gold bar to craft. While the mountain map can yield gold ore naturally, raising Mining to Level 4 and 7 unlocks the ability to transmute six copper bars into two iron bars, which are subsequently transmuted into a gold bar.

The Seed Maker in Stardew Valley can then produce between one and three seeds of the crop that was placed into the machine, with a very small chance of outputting an Ancient Seed instead. Ancient Seeds are an extremely lucrative crop in Stardew Valley, and they take 28 days to grow into an Ancient Fruit. The playthrough took nine in-game years to accomplish and 25 hours of real time. Though it yields no achievements, it is nonetheless an impressive feat that many Stardew Valley veterans may want to attempt.




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