In Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl, players can unlock the "For Science!" side quest by interacting with a key NPC. This guide details how to initiate and complete this mission, highlighting crucial steps and choices.
Initiating "For Science!"
The quest begins at the Central Elevator in the Chemical Plant. Yaryk Mongoose will contact Skif via radio. Locate Mongoose on the first floor (easily accessible by vaulting a railing). He'll explain the need to activate a second measuring device atop a nearby silo. Accepting his request starts the mission.
Reaching the Silo's Summit
Ascend the building's stairs. Eliminate any rodents encountered. Exit through a broken window and use the external ladder and walkways to reach the silo. Be prepared for electro anomalies; use your boltcaster. Activate the device atop the silo.
Dealing with the Aftermath
Activating the device attracts Bloodsuckers. Players can choose to fight or evade them. Return to Mongoose to discuss the consequences of the experiment.
The Confrontation and Reward
Mongoose will explain the unforeseen results. Players can choose to kill Mongoose or accept his explanation. Either choice yields the Malachite pass, granting access to the STC Malachite facility. However, choosing the non-hostile option also provides additional rewards. The pass is your key to accessing the STC Malachite, whether you've already gained access through the main storyline or not.