Home News Pokémon Go Unveils Grow Together Ticket for Enhanced Gameplay

Pokémon Go Unveils Grow Together Ticket for Enhanced Gameplay

Nov 12,2024 Author: Sadie

Pokémon Go is getting a new growth ticket to give players a boost
It'll cost $4.99 and provide bonus xp at PokéStops and more rewards
Good enough? We'll have to wait and see

Niantic's hit AR creature-catching game, based on the massive international franchise, Pokémon Go is getting a new way for players to boost forward with the Grow Together Ticket. This ticket lets you get increased XP to catch up with the pack during the latest season, Shared Skies. But it'll cost you.
The new Grow Together Ticket will be available from Wednesday, July 17, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. local time and cost $4.99. In return, you'll get 5x XP from your first PokéStop spin of the day until the end of the season, and a Premium Timed Research project.
The latter will reward you with premium items and encounters with Pokémon that themselves have special evolution requirements. Naturally, you'll also be able to purchase tickets to gift to certain friends (those of Great Friends or higher) and players who purchase through the online PokéStore will receive two bonus eggs.


Worth it?
The fact that you can't use PokéCoins to purchase the new ticket, and the idea of paying for a boost like this is sure to stick in the craw for some people. However, for others, this could end up being a fairly easy and convenient way to level up fast and access some of the available content. Like anything, it'll depend on how big of a Pokémon Go fan you are to decide whether or not this ticket is worth it.

But, regardless if that's not attractive to you, you can always take a gander at our list of the best mobile games of 2023 (so far) to see exactly what other games we do think are worth a go.

And if there's nothing there, you can always dig into our other list of the most anticipated mobile games to see what else is coming up!




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Author: SadieReading:0