Pokémon GO's "Inbound from Ultra Space" Event: A Five-Day Ultra Beast Extravaganza!
Get ready, Trainers! Pokémon GO is launching a five-day event, "Inbound from Ultra Space," bringing back a host of Ultra Beasts from July 8th to 13th, 2024. These interdimensional Pokémon, first introduced in Pokémon Sun and Moon, will be appearing in various five-star raids.
Regional Exclusives and Raid Battles:
This event introduces a significant geographical element. Several Ultra Beasts will be region-locked, requiring global travel to catch them all. Here's the breakdown:
- Asia-Pacific: Xurkitree
- EMEA & India: Pheromosa
- Americas & Greenland: Buzzwole
- Eastern Hemisphere: Stakataka
- Western Hemisphere: Blacephalon
- Southern Hemisphere: Celesteela
- Northern Hemisphere: Kartana
Each day will feature different Ultra Beasts in five-star raids, with a Raid Hour from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. local time. Shiny versions may appear!
Timed Research and Rewards:
Timed Research quests will reward encounters with several Ultra Beasts, including Stakataka and Blacephalon, which will have special Pokédex backgrounds. New backgrounds will also be available from raids and wild catches.
Event Bonuses:
- Increased daily Remote Raid Pass limit (20, July 8-11; unlimited July 12-14).
- Guaranteed Candy XL for trading Pokémon (Trainers level 31+, July 8-14).
Inbound from Ultra Space Ticket:
For $5 (or equivalent), an event ticket unlocks exclusive Timed Research with bonuses like extra XP from raids, increased Stardust from Ultra Beast Raids, additional Candy and Candy XL from five-star raids, and up to two free Raid Passes. This ticket also includes various Candy XL rewards for specific Ultra Beasts. The ticket can be gifted to Great Friends or higher.
Global Challenge:
A global challenge will run from July 7th to 12th (PDT). Completion unlocks Beast Balls for Ultra Beast encounters during Pokémon GO Fest 2024: Global and temporarily boosts Party Power charge speed in Party Play.
Pokémon GO Web Store Offers:
Special bundles are available on the Pokémon GO Web Store, including the Ultra Storage Box, Ultra Raid Box, and Ultra Hatch Box. PTC accounts can now access the Web Store, with a 15% discount on first purchases over $9.99.
Remember: Timed Research expires on July 14th at 8:00 p.m. local time. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to catch these rare Ultra Beasts!