Atlus producer Kazushi Wada reiterates the unlikelihood of Persona 3 Portable's popular female protagonist (FeMC), Kotone Shiomi/Minako Arisato, appearing in Persona 3 Reload. This decision, detailed in a recent PC Gamer interview, stems from significant development challenges and budget constraints.
The FeMC's inclusion was initially considered during planning for Persona 3 Reload's post-launch DLC, Episode Aigis – The Answer. However, Wada clarified that integrating the FeMC proved too demanding and costly, even as DLC. He expressed regret, stating the inclusion was simply unfeasible within the current timeframe and likely impossible in the future.
This announcement disappoints many fans who anticipated the FeMC's presence, either at launch or as post-release content. The considerable development time and costs, previously highlighted in a Famitsu interview, were deemed insurmountable. Wada emphasized that adding the FeMC would have required significantly more resources than creating Episode Aigis, effectively ruling out her inclusion. The images below illustrate the game's visuals.
![Persona 3 Reload Still Unlikely to Include Female Protagonist from P3P](/uploads/96/172371726166bdd68d6bcfc.png)
![Persona 3 Reload Still Unlikely to Include Female Protagonist from P3P](/uploads/70/172371726366bdd68fefca0.png)
![Persona 3 Reload Still Unlikely to Include Female Protagonist from P3P](/uploads/23/172371726666bdd6925525c.png)