The critically acclaimed action-adventure game, The Pathless, returns to iOS as a standalone release! Previously an Apple Arcade exclusive, this archery and exploration-focused title is now available on mobile devices without requiring a subscription.
Explore a vast open world and master precise archery combat in this minimalist yet richly detailed game. You play as a hunter, tasked with lifting a curse from the island using mystical abilities and your trusty bow and arrow.
We highly recommend The Pathless – a game we previously praised for its unique gameplay. Its arrival as a standalone iOS title is fantastic news!
While some Apple Arcade games face an uncertain future after leaving the service, The Pathless’s journey is a success story. Initially slated for console-only release, its Apple Arcade debut generated significant interest, ultimately paving the way for this standalone mobile version.
If The Pathless isn't your cup of tea, explore our weekly top five new mobile games or our ever-expanding list of the best mobile games of 2024.