The Golden Idol returns! Netflix has unexpectedly released "The Rise of the Golden Idol," a sequel to "The Case of the Golden Idol," but this time, it's a 1970s setting – a far cry from the 18th-century origins of its predecessor. Disco beats, flared jeans, and the nascent days of fax machines set the scene.
What's the story? Centuries after the original Cloudsley family mystery, the legendary Golden Idol resurfaces, attracting a colorful cast of characters: relic hunters, cultists, and scientists. Players, as investigators, must unravel a series of bizarre events linked to the artifact.
This point-and-click adventure features 20 cases, ranging from unsettling to supernatural. Examine evidence, identify culprits, and uncover their motives. Suspects include dubious prisoners, eccentric TV personalities, and secretive corporate figures.
Intrigued? Check out the trailer:
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Available on Netflix for Android users, "The Rise of the Golden Idol," developed by Color Gray Games and Playstack, offers a free experience for Netflix subscribers via the Google Play Store. Prepare for a captivating journey filled with crime scenes, cryptic clues, and a memorable ensemble of suspicious individuals.