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Nov 11,2024 Author: Aurora

Borderlands Movie's Poor Reviews Aren't Its Only Problems

With its premiere week running in full steam, the Borderlands movie has continued to receive poor reviews from top critics on a prominent film review site, and a staff member has recently come out to reveal that he was not credited for his work.

Borderlands Movie Faces Rocky Premiere WeekFilm Staff Says He Wasn't Acknowleged

Borderlands Movie's Poor Reviews Aren't Its Only Problems

The Borderlands movie adaptation directed by Eli Roth has continued to face a rocky premiere week, with initial reviews being overwhelmingly negative. On Rotten Tomatoes, a prominent film review site that compiles critics' reviews, the movie currently holds a 6% rating based on 49 critic reviews. Top critics have not been kind, with Donald Clarke from the Irish Times remarking that fans might wish to "hammer an imagined X button" to escape the film’s "wacko BS," while Amy Nicholson from the New York Times noted that although some design elements are commendable, the humor mostly falls flat.

When the social media embargo lifted earlier this week, early viewers and critics also shared largely negative impressions, noting that the film felt "lifeless," "terrible," and "uninspired." Despite the harsh criticism, a subset of Borderlands fans and movie-goers seemed to appreciate the movie's loud, action-packed style. Currently, the film has a somewhat more favorable audience score of 49% on Rotten Tomatoes. "Not gonna lie, I was a hater when I saw the cast. I went into it with low expectations, but I truly loved it," one user noted. Another fan also expressed their taste for the film’s explosive action and crude humor, but noted that "some of the lore changes could leave people puzzled. Personally, I didnt mind too much as it made for a more compelling storyline for the film."

However, it seems that the Borderlands movie's troubles don't end with poor reviews. Recently, a controversy arose involving a member of the film’s production staff. Robbie Reid, a freelance rigger who worked on the character "Claptrap," recently revealed on Twitter (X) that neither he nor the artist who modeled the character received film credit.

"Up until this point I've been exceptionally lucky to have received a credit for every film I've worked on." Reid then expressed disappointment, saying, "It just stings that the one to finally break the streak was the last film I worked on at a studio. And for such a significant character too." He noted that the omission of the credits might be due to him and the artist leaving their studio in 2021, and added that this type of oversight is unfortunately common in the industry.

"My disappointment lies with the general industry and how it treats/credits artists. It's a long on-going problem, and I'm sad to see it's still widespread based on replies. But I'm heartened by the support shown, and I hope it can lead to change for our industry," Reid concluded.




Control 2 Among Annapurna Interactive Video Games Seemingly Unaffected by Company’s Mass Resignation


Annapurna Interactive's mass resignation leaves some game projects unaffected Annapurna Interactive recently experienced a significant staff exodus, raising concerns about the future of its upcoming games. However, several high-profile titles appear to be continuing development without major disrup

Author: AuroraReading:0



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Author: AuroraReading:0



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Author: AuroraReading:0



MiSide: Achivements Guide


《MiSide》全成就解锁指南:在扭曲的虚拟世界中探索所有秘密 《MiSide》是一款近期推出的心理恐怖游戏,讲述了玩家困在虚拟世界中的扭曲故事。游戏篇幅相对较短,但各个章节中隐藏着大量秘密。玩家需要解锁总共26个成就。部分成就易于解锁,但大多数成就需要玩家走出常规路线,探索每个关卡的每个角落。 幸运的是,所有成就都不会错过,玩家可以随时使用主菜单中的章节选择选项返回解锁。本指南将涵盖《MiSide》中的所有成就,并提供一些解锁技巧,助您达成100%成就。 《MiSide》全成就解锁方法 成就名称 描述 解锁方法 苍蝇的胜利 在安全区域静止不动直到玩家拿出游戏。在“苍蝇”小游戏

Author: AuroraReading:0