In Infinity Nikki, the "Yesteryear's She Kindled Inspiration" quest requires a specific outfit to impress a sculptor. This guide explains how to obtain the "Paper Crane's Flight" dress.

The clue lies in the sculpture near the quest location.

First, you need to reach rank 2 in Kilo the Cadenceborn by collecting Dews of Inspiration (obtained by using combat skills).

The dress isn't purchased directly. Instead, a dragon icon will appear on your map.

This adorable dragon enjoys Dews of Inspiration as a treat! Feed it these glowing orbs.

As a reward, you'll receive the Paper Crane's Flight dress. Craft and equip it immediately. Crafting is straightforward, requiring readily available materials.

Return to the sculptor (available 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM). If you miss the window, simply wait or pursue other quests. Completing the quest grants you a reward.
Continue feeding the dragon to collect the complete set; it's a simple process.

This guide details how to complete the quest and acquire the "Paper Crane's Flight" dress, adding a beautiful new outfit to your collection!