Disney Speedstorm welcomes another iconic animated character: Maui! This demi-god, inspired by Polynesian mythology and a standout star from the beloved film Moana, joins the racing roster. While Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson won't be voicing him, Maui's arrival is packed with exciting features.
Disney Speedstorm boasts a diverse cast, from Monsters, Inc. to Pirates of the Caribbean, making it a dream game for Disney fans. However, the excitement continues with the addition of Maui in Season 11, Part 1, following the release of Moana 2.
Maui's signature skill, "Hero to All," lets him use a magical fishing hook to send opponents flying. A fully charged version transforms him into a hawk for a powerful counter-attack.
Disney Speedstorm is a win-win: it delights fans and keeps Disney characters in the spotlight. With Moana 2's success, Maui's addition is a fantastic boost to an already popular game.
Maui's abilities, including the potential to disrupt other racers and gain a significant speed advantage, suggest he'll be a top contender in Disney Speedstorm tier lists.
Ready to race? Don't miss our regularly updated list of Disney Speedstorm codes to gain an edge in the competition!