Embark on a whimsical adventure in Sky: Children of the Light's enchanting new season, a collaboration with the beloved Moomins! Beginning October 14th and lasting until December 29th, this magical season introduces players to Ninny, the Invisible Child, and her heartwarming journey of self-discovery.
Players will aid Ninny in overcoming her fears and regaining her confidence, unfolding her story chapter by chapter. The experience transports players to a monochrome Moominvalley, where they guide Ninny as a butterfly, restoring color and vibrancy with each completed task.
This immersive experience allows interaction with iconic Moomin characters like Moomintroll and Snufkin. Players can also acquire exclusive Moomin-themed cosmetics, including outfits, capes, hairstyles, and musical instruments, along with limited-time collaboration accessories such as Moomintroll ears and tail, and Snufkin's attire.
To begin your Moomin adventure, locate the Moomin Storybook near the Vault of Knowledge. New players may need to progress to the Hidden Forest. Download Sky: Children of the Light from the Google Play Store and start your journey today! View the season trailer here:
[Video Embed Placeholder: https://www.youtube.com/embed/sccp6pIE23w?feature=oembed]