In a surprising revelation on the podcast "Conan Needs a Friend," former Oscars host Conan O'Brien shared a peculiar encounter with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. O'Brien and his team had proposed a creative promotional campaign featuring him and a 9-foot tall Oscar statue in a domestic setting, but the Academy had strict rules about how the iconic statue could be portrayed.
Keep that Oscar upstanding. Photo by Patrick T. Fallon / AFP.
O'Brien described one of his pitches where he envisioned the Oscar statue lounging on a large couch while he humorously nagged it to help with household chores like lifting its feet or loading the dishwasher. However, the Academy firmly rejected this idea, insisting that "Oscar can never be horizontal." O'Brien was taken aback by this rule, likening the Oscar to a sacred relic, akin to "the thigh bone of St. Peter."
The Academy's strict guidelines extended further; they also mandated that the statue must always remain "naked." This rule dashed another of O'Brien's creative concepts, where the Oscar would be dressed in an apron, serving leftovers as a housewife.
While these rules may seem overly stringent and perhaps stifling to creativity, the Academy's right to set these standards remains undisputed. It's a shame that audiences missed out on O'Brien's unique comedic approach to the promotional ads. Fans are already looking forward to what he might bring to the table if he hosts the Oscars again in 2026.
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Despite the disappointment, the Academy's decisions reflect their commitment to maintaining the dignity and reverence of the Oscar statue. As for O'Brien, his fans eagerly anticipate his next chance to showcase his wit and humor at the Oscars.