The Battle Cats, a mobile game featuring ninja cats, fish cats, and even a "Gross Cat," is celebrating its 12th anniversary! This quirky tower defense game's enduring popularity is being marked with a new Sengoku-era ad campaign.
The ads, a collaboration between developer Ponos and R/GA, blend the historical Sengoku period with the game's signature humor and uniquely designed cat food cans. The campaign, titled "The Way of the Cat," aims to showcase the game's strategic depth while attracting new players.
"As we celebrate 12 years of The Battle Cats, we’re excited to challenge perceptions and showcase the game’s strategic depth," says Ponos' COO and Managing Director Seiichiro Sano. "This collaboration with R/GA honors our heritage while inviting new players to experience the thrill of tactical gameplay in a fresh way."
Unsure which cats to prioritize in your army? Check out our Battle Cats tier list for guidance!
Ready to join the feline fighting fun? Download The Battle Cats for free (with in-app purchases) on the App Store and Google Play. Stay updated on the latest news by following the official Facebook page or visiting the official website.