Tunggu sudah berakhir! Selepas hampir satu dekad sejak pemain yang terkenal di Witcher 3 * yang terpesona di seluruh dunia, treler pertama untuk * The Witcher 4 * akhirnya jatuh, memperkenalkan Ciri sebagai protagonis baru.
For those unfamiliar, Ciri is Geralt's adopted daughter. With Geralt's trilogy concluded, the spotlight shifts to the next generation. The teaser shows Ciri intervening in a village gripped by a dark tradition—sacrificing a young woman to appease a monster. Ciri's attempt to rescue the woman reveals a far more sinister situation than initially apparent.
While an official release date remains elusive, we can speculate based on the development timelines of previous CD Projekt Red titles. *The Witcher 3* took 3.5-4 years, and *Cyberpunk 2077* even longer. Considering the early stage of *The Witcher 4*'s development and the apparent scale of the project, a 3-4 year wait is a reasonable expectation.
Platform specifics are yet to be announced. Given the anticipated timeframe, a current-generation-only release seems likely. However, CD Projekt Red has indicated no platform exclusivity. We anticipate simultaneous launches on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Walaupun port suis dicapai dengan *The Witcher 3 *, nampaknya kurang mungkin kali ini, walaupun pelepasan Switch 2 berpotensi tetap menjadi kemungkinan.
Although gameplay details are scarce, the CGI trailer hints at familiar elements. Potions, Signs, and familiar phrases suggest a continuation of core gameplay mechanics. A notable addition might be Ciri's chain, used both to ensnare the monster and channel magic.
Adding further intrigue, Doug Cockle (Geralt's voice actor) previously confirmed Geralt's presence in the game, albeit in a supporting role. The trailer includes dialogue from an older Geralt, fueling speculation of a mentor-like function.
Imej Utama: YouTube.com
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