This Halloween, dive into the spooky fun of Liars Maze! This short, engaging game transports you to an alternate reality featuring characters from a popular comic book. No prior comic knowledge is needed, but fans will appreciate the extra layer of enjoyment. Created by a queer comic artist and game developer, Liars Maze offers a whimsical adventure brimming with magical antics and a touch of romance. This small-but-mighty game, developed in just 12 days, is packed with charm. Don't miss the original soundtrack—available for purchase separately! Download now and experience the magic!
Liars Maze Highlights:
- Halloween Atmosphere: A perfectly spooky and festive setting to celebrate the season.
- Comic Book Characters: Explore a new world with familiar faces from a beloved comic series.
- Standalone Fun: Enjoy the game whether you're a comic fan or not!
- Short & Sweet Gameplay: Perfect for a quick burst of Halloween fun.
- Whimsical Adventure: A playful and magical experience filled with humor.
- Original Soundtrack: Enhance your experience with a unique musical score (available for purchase).
In short:
This Halloween-themed game promises spooky delights and an enchanting adventure. Whether you’re a comic book enthusiast or simply seeking a fun, short game, Liars Maze is sure to entertain. Download today and embark on this captivating journey!